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Chloe Ann Smith
4th April: Due Date
5th April: My Birth Date
5th April: I Weighed 3.37kg
5th April: I was 53cm long
26th April: My First Smile
Our Latest Journal Entries

6 photos
Chloe's First Month
15th Apr 2008 - 4th May 2008
With the builders packed up and moved out and Tim back at work Chloe and I were left home alone to get to know each other. My new job took a bit of getting used to but Chloe got the hang of eating, sleeping an...
70 Words | 43074 ReadsRead moreRead more

4 photos
Chloe's First Week
9th Apr 2008 - 13th Apr 2008
We were discharged from hospital three days after the birth, and delighted to be bringing Chloe home to our almost finished house. The advice is to take it easy at home for the first few days but with plumbers, el...
227 Words | 48433 ReadsRead moreRead more

9 photos
It's a Girl!
4th Apr 2008 - 7th Apr 2008
At 6am on my due date, April 4th, I was awoken by the sensation of something trickling down my leg. It stopped as I sat up and I began to think I'd dreamt the whole thing... no-one actually gives birth on the day ...
334 Words | 40353 ReadsRead moreRead more